Hunter Kris

caini de vanatoare

Pensiune in Delta Dunarii


Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola L.) - A bird is relatively small (250-300 grams) with long beak, rust-colored, stained. The eyes are placed in the head, which assures an unbeatable visual acuity (about 360 degrees). Bill is twice longer than head (about 8 cm). Sexual dimorphism is less evident.
Woodcock has a very fine sight and hearing, but excels with an excellent sense of touch, which manages to feed due to size, larvae, etc. from the ground. It is a bird of passage, which nests in small numbers and in the mountains of our country. In mild winters find sitar and the Danube Delta and its floodplain. They prefer young forest stands.
Sitaril is a challenge for the hunter, the correct epolarea stirnirea and sitar is a real craft that requires practice and skill. Total flight imprevizil sitar - in broken lines, Golfs, dive, etc. The sitar makes hunting became a passion for many hunters - known as "sitarari"
Hunting period is from September 1 to January 31. They hunt with guns blasting strips 2 to 2.5 mm fines. It hunts in ambush, to rush or leg .. trophy hunting dog is the "feather painter" and tuft (brush) around tartitei.


Summer Goose (Anser anser L.) - is the largest of the geese encountered in our country (3-4 kg). The general color is brown-gray and the contour feathers are tinged with white. Bill and eyelids are pink-orange color with white beak nails and feet are pink-red.
Between males and females are not obvious differences. He has extraordinary hearing and sight, are generally very cautious. The sounds are similar to those put domestic geese. The guest of summer, and bird of passage, arriving in Romania starts in February and goes in November. During the passage of flies in the shape of "V" irregular. Much of the large geese nest in the Danube Delta, but few other places with reeds in the south.
They prefer quiet ponds and extensive reed and rush, where they find both food conditions as well as nesting. In general eat vegetables, so it does not smell of goose meat fish (the rate). Passage of the lake and back field occurs twice daily, early morning and evening. Cirdurile are led by an old giscan that at the slightest sign of danger will alert the whole flock. Throughout the feeding, the flock will be guarded by scouts, which signals any pericol.Din these reasons the goose hunting is usually a very thrilling, camouflage is the key to success.
Hunting period is between September 1 to January 31 and is usually used with shot gun lisa 4,5 - 5, 0 mm but small caliber rifle bullet. Ambush routes of passage, atrape, chematorile and perfect camouflage is the best method of hunting. 

Carpathian Stag

Deer (Cervus elaphus L.) - is a mammalian herbivore brown - red with a pronounced sexual dimorphism. Ciutele deer are bigger than them and shows unlike horns obsolete. As an order of magnitude between males 180-300 kg weight, and only reach 80-150 ciutele kg.Masculii horns lose each month beginning March, a phenomenon that stretches, depending on age and vigurozitatea each of deer, even until calves mai.La months, when over the age of one year, in May, the first row of horn growth start up that ends in September. These horns are usually 20-30 cm long spears without rosettes.
Longevity in the wild deer is valued at about 18 to 20 years, but nature rarely reach this age. Between 12-14 years to reach peak deer after falling gradually in decreptitudine. Age of live specimens is evaluated based on appearance and trophy, and shot the animal after tooth wear.
  During imperechierii mugeste male, or boncaluieste boncaneste. Scared brahnit has a nasal, as is also female.
Deer have developed smell, hearing and good eyesight is good enough.
Stag is perfectly housed in large forested areas, including portions of the glades or clearings springs, which offers peace, shelter and food sources. It is plain and met often, at least theoretically covering the entire area of ​​alpine and seaside.
Food is poor for deer in winter - as indeed for all cervids. Winter consists of stems, buds and sometimes bark, green leaves left in the snow, different leaves and dried grasses and green plants cultivated agricultural land. Jirul acorns and are in areas with such stratifications, the food base. Accept and respond well to administer supplementary feeding man: fine foliage, juicy and concentrated.
The wolf is the natural enemy of the deer's worst damages are lower and the bear and the lynx. Newer roam wild dogs tend to replace wolf predation especially calves.
Stag is outgoing in the autumn until spring, during which males are grouped on cirduri led a young deer, and females in separate cirduri doe, doe run by the elderly. Only very old or very strong deer live solitary. Breeding begins in September, first in lowland areas, then to the mountains, ending up in the second half of October. Fierce fighting between bulls is going to rule cirdurilor the doe. It is noteworthy that during this period, deer remove an odor, and easily perceived by humans. Ciutele face, usually 1-2 cattle, very rarely 3, which his mother can attend 1-2 hours after birth.
Hunting season: deer-hunting period September 1, 2011 to October 31, 2011, Carpathian stag-hunting period September 15, 2011 to December 31, 2011, Step-hunting period May 15, 2011 to October 15, 2011.
Trophy in the skull or horns are part of it.
Trophies are unconventional "pearls" (reduced canines), mane hair, Hubertus cross. Hunting rifle bullet is made from 7 mm caliber hunting is optimal sus.Perioada boncanitului period. It should be remember that about 70% of shares from crop to 100% for bulls and females are to be extracted from ambush selectiv.Metodele hunting and stalking, with or without Calling (boncanitoare). Shooting the hunt is banned by law. Selection is done by males, the external appearance of the horns, on the criteria established for all deer. Another selection is favorable period after cirduire (November 15-December 15) when the more accurate comparison can choose copy unfit for reproduction.


Pheasant (Phasianus colchinus L.) met in Europe, is certainly a result of crossing several metis subspecies of wild pheasants originated in Asia. Sexual dimorphism, is that any of the subspecies of origin, very obvious. Rooster is, first of all, a higher weight (more than 1 kg) and is more colorful than pheasants. Has head and neck, metallic green, reddish brown body dotted with large black spots and yellow stripes on the contour feathers on the back, long tail and brown stripes crossed transverse dark brown and red-lit bare skin around the eyes. Unlike coconut chicken much less colorful, even having a dull appearance.
Pheasant bodies rather than long thicket forest, CRINGURILE, bushes, especially if there's a source close to the greatest extent apa.In and prefer large bushes, marshes, especially those that do not freeze to the springs, agricultural fields and frames pirloaga. In these biotopes localize pheasant, which especially for the good conditions of shelter and food.
In related pheasant land, will hear the voice of roosters in the morning and evening - a shrill scream, repeated, longer or shorter, as appropriate, but in any case unmistakably. Following addition tetradactila droppings and especially in the evening and morning cries betray this.
Pheasant food is very varied - from insects, larvae and eggs of ants, spiders, sopirle, etc. of any kind until the grains, fruits, seeds and succulents, etc.. Pheasant has a lot of natural enemies - beginning with the ravishing young (marten, wild cat, etc.) and up to the fox, jackal, wandering dogs, etc.. A big danger is a biotope for pheasant farming mechanization and chemical processing. By using furadanului have created large numbers of pheasant damage to surrounding farmland. In recent years even in the Delta - where there were large land leased for agriculture dull - pheasant flocks are in decline.
Trophy is the whole bird or bust naturalized, or only the tail feathers of the hat worn as pampon. No hunting is allowed at wait or branch. Hunting period is between October 15 to January 31 and is used to smooth gun shot from 3.0 to 3.5 mm. Recovery and pheasant hunting without hunting dog is very difficult - because it feels danger when moving up very fast - without taking their flight, making it almost impossible task hunter. Also after the fire, his recovery will be very difficult! Not recommended for hunting pheasant hunting without dogs, because they cause great damage in fact, most parts shot remains unrecovered.


Mammalian herbivore rabbit, medium size, about 3-5 kg, body elongated side Conformity perfect for running, with long ears cone-shaped with short stem and built, with big bulging eyes, long hind legs Avin with five fingers and the front four fingers short. The color is usually greyish (gray - brown) with whitish lower belly and white tail. Sexual dimorphism is absent. Live more than 12 years.
Copies are predominant in the first three years of life due to the multiple natural enemies that they have.
Injured or trapped a rabbit out of a child crying woe alike mic.Are very good hearing, smell bad and weak eyesight, good only distinguish objects in motion and those that contrasts sharply with the environment. The area of ​​growth is high, harmful practice of alpine areas and the sea. Preference for agricultural land in the plain areas, hills and low hills, which are found widespread in small bodies of the forest.
Hunting period is from November 1 to January 31, and the hunting methods are skipped, with the dog for hunting or hunters hunt in organized collective. Most natural enemies are fierce - the wolf, fox, lynx, Jackal, wild cat, marten, etc. and recently became the most feared dogs roam.
Hunting in ambush, and hunting from sunrise until sunset and it is prohibited. The rabbit is excellent, lonely, lacking all sense of family. Iepuroaicele keep their chickens without protect them, only lasts as long as breastfeeding (2 weeks) are used to hunt with shot guns and cartridges strips of 3-4 mm.
Hare is mainly a nocturnal animal activity, being the target of several acts of poaching, hunting the lighthouse is often practiced. It is attached to the place where he was born, it is not removed to less than 3-4 km. Age mating begins in January or February, depending on the gentleness of winter, and you until October. In the meantime iepuroaicele mate and from 4-5, 3-4 cubs. Gestation lasts six weeks. Puppies are born with fur and with eyes open and were able to flee since the first days of life. It is claimed that the first generation offspring fail to become mature and produce a series of chicken since the autumn of the first year of life.


Wolf (Canis lupus L.) - is like a wolf dog, gray color (gray). has a relatively large size which weigh 40-50 kg. Most national wolf skull comes from a 63 kg wolf. Characteristic are smaller than the dog's ears, sharp and straight up, tail relatively short and thick, strong legs and small eyes seem farther than the dog and less oblique. Strong neck, collar winter front feet that seem higher and stronger chest wolf give the impression of solidity and strength. Sexual dimorphism is not evident.
Wolf lives 15-16 years. Approximate age can be judged by blunting the teeth. Mature wolf howling in various shades, giving the roar is unmistakable and chilling. Follow the wolf is similar to that of a large dog, but slightly elongated. Additionally fingers are printed closely with visible claws, the middle being closer than the dog. Even when they are in the pack, wolves one step from the front, and in a way that snow is difficult to estimate the number of members of a pack.
The most developed of the senses is sight, but smell and hearing wolves also excellent.
Wolf prefers large mountain forests. And often descend the hill, is installed in large and dense forest regeneration, or RIPE penetrate deep with hard maracinisuri. It locates in the Delta. Wolf is not stationary changing the place of residence daily. Maybe goes to 30-40 km in search of food. Hunting period November 1 to May 15.
The wolf is considered the most damaging predator in Romania - consuming virtually any type of creature - the rabbit - the young bears, but dogs and mice. Where are packs of wolves - Jackal and foxes do not survive is a rarity. It has no natural enemies and diseases in addition to the other carnivores om.Spre contrast, the wolf is very sociable. live in packs consisting of the leading pair (alpha male and female) and the offspring of that year. Winter pack and add copies of previous years, related, so that packs can include a number in heavy winters of 20-30 copies.
Mating takes place in February. Gestation is 9 weeks after the wolf to put a total of 3-8 blind, blind in the early days. When children are endangered wolf cubs move her mouth in other places that give them more security.
Wolf has activity only proves extremely cautious nocturna.Se to man, which not only attack him in the situation when no other alternatives. Cowardice wolf to man is not a rule on which to rely.
Like the bear, the wolf is protected by international conventions, as in Europe's livestock are in danger of extinction.
In Romania, is still well represented and harming other game species - the wolf hunt - but only on terms established by MAFF. It uses small caliber gun bullet (6-7 mm) or shot gun cartridges with 5-mm strips. Trophies are conventional and unconventional is the skull bone and fur penis.


Boar (Sus scrofa L.) - is an omnivorous animal. Generally looks solid, slightly flattened laterally, more high than thicker, which gives the impression of strength and mobility, perfect for piercing rimat conformed to chaparral. Sexual dimorphism is less evident, by the shape and round the corner. The general color is brown-gray, reddish brown, dark brown, sometimes almost black. Specimens are rarely encountered and very pale, and cases of albinism.
Weight boars can reach and even surpass, in some exceptional cases, 300 kg, while females do not really developed over 200 kg. Mean age in the wild is 15 to 16 out of a boar ani.Sunetele up like identity, with those issued by domestic pig. Sows issued a short and deep grunt if the intention is to warn others or to scare enemies. If the intent is a danger apreveni sow herd on strong whiff. When you are attacked by wild boars out a "noise of bone" which is actually one of the chattering masses, and are inferior when pig squeal as domestic. Just do not whine never mature boars
Pigs has both smell and hearing how very fine. sight, in contrast, is weaker than before just moving objects. But memory has a special place, so very easy to discover any new details emerged in the landscape

They prefer deciduous forests and extensive mixing, but it often locates in bushes and reed, farmland, etc. covering almost the entire area of mountain and sea. Place of residence is attached only to the extent that it gives the necessary conditions Free Living (food, rest, shelter). In situations where these conditions disappear, making trips to 30-40 km and even more to the place of home.
Wolves are the main enemies of the boar. Dusmani feared are the sheepfold and the bear and dogs. Mountain lions, jackals, dogs and even foxes roam and they can become, in certain circumstances, and especially chicken.
Pigs are sociable. The old sow, with its offspring who are mothers, with barren sows with piglets godacii and family descendants formed a group called herd or cird. In boars ciurdelor not accept more than one year. After that age of boars grupri retire in 4-5 individuals. Boars most powerful old and live solitary. Breeding period is long keeping in September until January. But its top ranks in the months from November to December. Bear in mind that a sow can give birth 10 to 12 piglets, but can not increase more than 10 of them - their number being limited by the number of nipples and the custom of having each piglet or nipple. Pigs attack wounded man. In other conditions, wild boars are wary of humans.
Hunting season allowed by law to keep 8.1. - 15.02. Where harm can shoot wild boars and outside the legal season, with special permission.
Hunting can be done from ambush, either fumbling or to hunt with or without dogs generally harassing. It also used the tracking method from the boar, but it requires the existence of snow.
Use smooth bore gun with a single projectile or slug or rifle brenekeer minimum size 6.5 mm.
Is the conventional trophy boar tusks. Unconventional are considered trophies and pig tusks and mane hair in both sexes, furs and busts.


Partridge (Perdix Perdix L.) - is a native species, very valuable, common in plains and hilly areas. It has small size (400 grams) and overall gray color. Head, tail and part of the crop are reddish and yellow striped ribbed wings and around the eyes, brown, red shows a narrow circle. Sexual dimorphism is poorly pronounced.
  Known voice during mating, and coconut is issued when in flight or when driving cirdul want to collect it. Seeing and hearing are as developed as the pheasant. Following is one kind of pheasant, but smaller. They prefer the plain and hill areas with bushes, CRINGURILE berries, etc.. It is a migratory bird which travels to more than 1-2 km from the place of home. The food consists of seeds, fruits, grains, insects, etc.. Natural enemies are almost all ravishing hair and feathers, and dogs and cats roam. Can suffer heavy losses in the winter snow in the fields without shelter, when the enemies are clearly visible, both in the air as well as soil.
Hunting period is between October 15 to December 31. It hunts with a gun and shot the 2.5 mm smooth. Hunting methods are permitted by law to toe (the bounce) with or without dog timekeeper, and the chase. No hunting is allowed in ambush
Note that convincingly imitate parents injured birds in danger, eggs and chicken, thus attracting their attention away from what enemies and protect.


Quail (Coturnix coturnix L.) - is known in Romania under the name of pitpalac quail is a migratory bird, summer visitor, arriving in April and leaves in December. Size is about 150 grams less and general color is brown-gray, crossed longitudinal and transverse yellow stripes. SEXUAL slightly increased. This field is determined quail especially after play. Hears and sees well. He prefers to run on his feet than when he is scared to fly. They are flat plains habitat in agricultural land planted with wheat, millet, clover, alfalfa, sunflower, etc.Este frequently encountered in the hills and hilly areas, especially in wet finetele.
Hunting is the most spectacular leg of dog timekeeper. The quail hunting is a good exercise, both for the hunter and for the dog because tirzu quail fly straight and pretty, undemanding skill hunter only rarely. Some hunters even be considered "an affront" missing a quail aroused.
Hunting period is between August 15-31ianuarie. The smooth-bore gun shoots - with more than 2.5 caliber ammunition. Having acquired a relatively easy game, making sure the number of game pieces in a game figures to remain in the normal excesses without registering.

Brown Bear

Bear (Ursus arctos L.) - is a large animal, to which capitalist males exceeding 300 kg, in exceptional cases even being able weighed over 400 kg. Bears are very different color - ranging from light-brown up to black or even black rimed. And in terms of body shape are large differences between the bears, there is even wrong theory according to which there are several (at least two) subspecies of bears in Romania. In reality it is only one species of bear but with a great diversity of morphological forms.
Longevity bears is rated at 20-30. Live specimens are judged by shape and dentition specimens after shot, which turns yellow and the blunting of the age of 6-7 years after start. Sexual dimorphism is poorly pronounced.
When the bear is caught a whiff off feature - "spitting". Mutters or cries when it is heavily disturbed by man or the bullet hit. Has your hearing and smell fine, but the sight is bad.
They prefer large and quiet mountain forests, but also the hilly area. Its territory is usually very broad, and includes stincarii, desuri, valleys and water. In search of food, travel great distances, sometimes going through distances up to 100 km. It is regularly or live in the place to hibernate.
Hibernation - occurs during the winter - and consists of a profound sleepiness, which slows down the biological, but at the slightest noise wakes up instantly in their right is vital. During this period the feeding of fat reserves accumulated over the summer. Being an omnivorous animals eat - grass, seeds, grains, fruits, etc., as well as larvae, corpses of animals and even wild and domestic animals when they hunt succeed. Note that there are "carnivorous bears" that eat mostly meat animal especially domestic animals. Although it is estimated that the bear is the most powerful predator that lives in our country, the enemy is the wolf and bear sometimes herding dogs, especially when young.
Bear male lives alone. Bear with cubs up in two years formed a family. Gestation lasts 7-8 months, then bear to put 1-3 small blind of 400-500 grams. Are removed from the den after 2-3 months and breastfed until autumn. Bear against the rule of two in two years, the chicks become independent after that age.
Bear in general, stay out of the way of a man. if injured, harassed by dogs, or prevented from running scared of this man's immediate vicinity, can attack nabanuit having a pungency of an animal with such a constitution. Kick and its bites are particularly dangerous and have rarely seen cases when the man survived the bear attack.
Hunting in bear - the bear is protected by international conventions, because it is endangered in Europe. In Romania the bear hunt, of course limited and exceptional situation motivated by large flocks of the species. So bear can shoot in periods established by the Ministry between March 15 to May 15 and October 1 to December 15. Chase hunting methods are, stalking and ambush. Bear hunting is prohibited from observing closed and it is desirable not to use the nadir.
Trophy is the hair and skull. Unconventional penis bone.

Collared Dove

Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto F.) - is an alien species, which became sedentary in Romania, similar in appearance with the fringe, but slightly larger than this size. Turtle Dove is contrasted by the color gray-brown overall, with crescent located on the neck and long tail, negriciaosa based and less white tail tip.
Collared Dove nests and rest mainly in cities, so it can come only in the agricultural season, the harvest, when food abundance of the Collared Dove out locally in a variety of diurnal passage to the field.
It is an interesting species for hunting, but slower than the flying Turtle Dove, favorable to the practice of shooting at the beginning of the season. It hunts in the period August 1 to March 31 shot gun lisa and 2 to 2.5 mm max. The most convenient is to place the passage from the ambush to field locations.


Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos L.) - is the highest rate in Romania (0.8 to 1.5 kg). Sexual dimorphism is evident by the fall until spring. Blowing rate that is higher than it shows and colorful. Vered is neck-metallic, yellow beak, the background color is gray, black tail. The legs are orange. Change plumage occurs after hatching period, when the Duck and the colors are very similar rate. The voice is similar to the domestic rate.

The senses are very sharp. The rates have sight and a binocular visual field of nearly 360 degrees (similar to woodcock). Sounds good. Rates are related to the accumulation of water as habitat. Winter is often encountered in the rivers because they freeze harder. It feeds exclusively over water - plants - larvae - worms, etc..
Hunting period is between 15.08 - 28.02 and smooth blasting gun hunts of 3.5 - 5.0 mm. Ambush is usually early morning and evening in place of passage, in which incoming and outgoing rates of marsh. The practice and away from the ambush hanire, chematorile atrapele and forming part of the arsenal of a hunter rates. Rates in high speed flight is therefore difficult to shoot in the air is released. It is much easier to run or sag on fire after leaving the pool, when its rate slows down rather than flying.
Other varieties that hunts rate in Romania are: low rates, Gadwall, sulitar rate, Sarsela, rate Crested, Black-headed Duck, etc.  +40744348950  © copyright Vanatorul Kris